
Rediscover Your Nature

Prakriti Wellness


Upcoming Events


Embracing Sacred Anger
Workshop & Yoni Steam

October 8th, 12pm HST

Join Renee and Madi at Yoni Steam Honolulu to embrace your anger as the sacred emotion it is and then transmute it into life-changing action.

Cacao Across Countries
Virtual Cacao Ceremony

October 14th, 1pm HST

Our specially chosen time allows for people to join in from the East coast (7pm), West coast (4pm), and Okinawa (8am, October 15th). All ceremony supplies will be shipped to you!

Invoking Your Inner Goddess
Ceremony & Photoshoot

Sunday, October 28th, 12pm

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment? Join us for "Awakening the Inner Goddess," a half-day experience carefully curated to help women tap into their divine essence and embrace their inner power.



“The yoga pose is not the goal. Being flexible or standing on the hands is not the goal.

The goal is to create space where you were once stuck. To unveil layers of protection you’ve built around your heart. To appreciate your body and become aware of the mind and the noise it creates. To make peace with you are. The goal is to love,…well, you. Change your focus and your heart will grow.”

- Geeta Iyengar

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Renee offers one-on-one reiki sessions whenever she is not in class or clinic. A session is 1 hour, which includes the reiki treatment itself and a little time to chat about what you (and your body) need before, and a little time to chat about your experience afterwards. Her reiki sessions are unique to each client because she knows that each person and their body has their own story and their own needs.


Meet Renee

With a background in biology, psychology, and animal behavior, you might wonder how this academic-turned-yogi found herself practicing (and then teaching) yoga while discovering she had a “knack” for energy healing…

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Still on the Fence?

Not sure if Prakriti Wellness and our services are right for you?

See what our students and clients have to say about us!


Rediscover Your Nature

We believe that humans are a part of nature, and just like the world around us, we need balance to feel our best. Rediscover your nature by listening to your body and tuning-in to the world around it,

Prakriti Wellness can help!

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